Binx went missing over a month ago and his owners have desperately been trying to locate him. Usually an indoor cat, he simply went on a great adventre- but luckily wasn't brave enough to venture out of Fratton.
Two king ladies found him near the Fratton ASDA and brought him to us to be scanned for a chip and fortunately all the information held on the chip was up-to-date and Binx's owner could be found pretty easily.

Stay Safe Binx!
TOP TIP- It is a really really good idea to have your INDOOR cat microchipped. You think 'oh little Pookie here doesn't go outside, she's scared of her own shadow so there's no point having her chipped' WRONG! She's more likely to get a fright one day, rush out the door and then find herself to be a missing ca and difficult to reuinte when found due to not being chipped.
*Microchipping is a quick procedure and relatviely painless and costs only £10- book an appointment now,
if you're part of our Pet Care Plan, you get this for free!*

Whether your looking for basic puppy training or thinking your adult dog needs to brush up on his manors, All Stars Dog Training Club is highly recommended by us. Infact, 3 of our staff dogs reguarly go and are very well behaved!
"We think training your pet dog should be positive, force-free, good fun, affordable and above all, it should help you and your beloved dog in your day to day life to stay safe, happy and healthy. So here we are and we hope you’ll join us. We are a Kennel Club Listed Status Club, proud to offer the Good Citizens’ Dog Training Scheme courses, which were established in 1982 and promote happy, well-mannered, well-adjusted dogs and also responsible dog ownership from the other end of the lead! We are Portsmouth’s first (and, to our knowledge) ONLY Not-for-Profit Dog Training Club. Our course fees cover our costs (hall rental, insurance, equipment, Kennel Club Registration fees, etc) and any remaining funds are divided between being re-invested in further Staff Training/Equipment and donated to our 2 nominated good causes – Hounds for Heroes and Portsmouth Stray Dog Kennels."
Visit there Facebook page for more information @allstarsdogtraining club or email them at