We would like to remind you that we need 24 HOURS NOTICE to supply flea and worming treatment. Due to Covid-19 we will need you to pay in adavance over the phone as we cannot allow anybody in the surgery. Thank you in advance.
We are now offering a clinic on Tuesday and Thursday lunch time, it will be for a maximum of 6 appointments and priority will be given to those whom had the boosters postponed in Febuary/March. If your pet is due their booster in April/May onwards please bear with us, DO NOT PANIC YOUR PET IS COVERED FOR 12 WEEKS TO RECEIVE A BOOSTER AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO START AGAIN. These are PREPAID appointments only UNLESS YOU ARE ON THE PET CARE PLAN. We are still in lockdown and oberserving social distancing, you will need to call us upon arrival, the vet will then collect your animal from you, if you have any questions please ask the Vet at the front door or bring a note along with you. We ask you wait outisde of in your vehicle until we are ready to see your pet and while we are seeing your pet.
We thankyou for your understanding.